To create the cloud fly though was a hard task but one that I enjoyed the most. I had seen previous work where a cloud fly through was used as footage, but I wanted to go further. I wanted a digital cloud fly through that conformed to the aesthetic of my animation. The clouds are simply one image made in photoshop but alter in size, rotation and position to give the effect that they are all slightly different.
So the same image has been duplicated many times and placed accordingly on the scene. To create the effect of 'moving' through the clouds I used a camera and a null object to slowly move through the Z axis to give the perception of clouds moving towards the screen. The clouds also alter in size so that it gives the impression that some are further away than others.
Each cloud represents different thoughts by a digital artist was to what to do to his/her idea. Thinking about an idea is a long and perhaps slow process and that is why the clouds move slowly towards the screen, as well as keeping with the progression of the audio. The flythrough ends with focusing on one cloud to represent a chosen theme for an idea and this paves the way the cell animation at 1 minute 31 seconds.
The orbs fly away from the audience and into the clouds, I wanted this part to represent high aspirations of a digital artist. Not only this but it effectively adds to the depth of field.
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