Sunday, 16 January 2011

Blog 5. Representing an idea visually.



Creating the orbs was tricky. Its something i had never done before, and quickly found that I would need certain plug-ins(Trapcode lux, Trapcode Particular) to create the effect I wanted. The orbs grow lighter in intensity as the music progresses.

Getting the orbs to move in 3d was simple. Using camera movement and key frames, I moved the orbs further away on the Z axis.


Visually representing anything that happens within the human mind is no easy task due to the fact Everyone has a different perception on how the mind works. So keeping with the light bulb concept and staying true to the minimal nature of the audio I designed two glowing orbs. The only reason that there is two is to create a more visually appealing animation. However in the animation the speed, direction and behaviour of the orbs change multiple times to the time of the audio. This is to represent an 'idea' within the mind of a digital artist being changed many times. Be it a technical reason, or a time saving reason, its something all IDAT students can certainly relate to.

I tried to utilize as much of the space I could, not only to create a depth of field but so that the orbs visually represent the 'idea' travelling to different areas of the brain.

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