Data representation:
Data of any form can be visualised in so many different ways. A lot of the time it is made into simple graphs so that the level of understanding is easy. However it doesn't take a genius to realise that these graphs and standard methods can be boring and aesthetically crap! So i decided to see what i could find on the internet.
WOW! now that's what i want to see, info graphics that represent data in a stylish way. The top most map represents connections between different subjects and i like how its easy to see where the dense areas of information are. The colour coding is obviously the key to this map.
The second one is key to this module as it is clearly exploring space. I don't know how exactly it was mapped, it could have simple been the creator noting down the positions of his subjects or even better some sort of gps. The title of the graphic says "Maps that tell tales" which is very true of this map. Using something as simple as GPS tracking could tell a story in itself, something of which i will explore in my next post.However its an amazing way to explore such a small space, and i plan to use this style of visualisation in future projects!
The last map is also very cool, although not as explanatory. Yet this is what makes for an interesting visualisation. It is all about the interpretation of this graph and that's what i like. Do we as humans need to have words displayed to us to understand something's meaning? I think not. In the contemporary Digital art world it think its clear that many individuals and artists alike are trying to create meaning within pictures that are open to interpretation, something that has been in the arts for millennia.
Our group is exploring stonehouse with collected data. Data that could be used in a graph such visualisation such as these. We did consider taking these and creating something similar to project onto
Dance academy but, the question was how would we make it live? and being as the data wont have changed since we collected it, it wouldn't make for an interesting animation. Back to the drawing board with the projection part of our project i guess.
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