After some group discussion, and some inspiration gained from the world of the internet we starting fixing some ideas together in the standard input,output, projection structure. We now have some location specific data to base our project around, and as mentioned before we plan to use...
1. The buildings vast history it form a detailed and interesting projection.
2. We will use some sort of input device to control when and how the projection is displayed.
We thought that we might develop some sort of questionnaire that's available online that based upon the users answers will change the output via a method such as movement. However we would have to promote the site, but i consider this a good idea as it will promote our project as well.
On the other hand this is quite time consuming and not very creative. So deeper thinking is required for this part....
This is the test that Luke Mears in our group has done. It is a test to show the Mise en abyme effect which is a basic feed back system to give a void like effect which not only looks weird and abstract, but can represent many things giving this changing depth and repetition effect. We as a group liked this effect and we could use it create a void in the side of dance academy creating a subliminal message of mystery and discovery about its history and future.

This Mise en abyme effectively creates an endless loop. We thought we would use this technique to create a seemingly endless passageway of history through the building of the dance academy.
While this effect is cool, we aren't sure how we will keep the public's attention with just this effect, and maybe it isn't the best thing to look at while driving a car!
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