Our project is now developing and evolving into something I think we as a group are all going to be proud of. In relation to previous post's our concept for the project has changed significantly.
We moved on from the Mise en Abyme effect because, while it did look cool we weren't sure how to incorporate it into our project with significant meaning. We also decided that we were going to use skills we actually had as opposed to ones we didn't HA! So we've thought about having a flash based projection involved in our work.
Next, ideas circling the history of the building also began to fade due to lack of ideas. Its also a subject we think that many of the Plymouth people may know about but aren't so up to date on recent news involving the Academy's closure etc.
Therefore we focused on the more recent state of the building as a nightclub "the Dance Academy". Drugs dancing and crime are three topics that spring to mind when the Dance Academy is mentioned so our visualisation via the projector was going to incorporate this, very controversial but yet it may send a message to the public and hopefully council, kind of what were aiming for.
Instead of having a boring and perhaps tacky looking questionnaire on a website built by us, we've decided to use RSS feeds. So we intend to use the data from an RSS feed that relates to Union Street or better yet the dance academy and project it onto the chosen location which is now point B on the map in a previous post. This location has been chosen because we want our main audience (The people driving through) to see it, so we are going to have our entire project somehow be activated by the traffic lights at the pedestrian crossing right in front of dance academy.
We want the effect that hopefully people in the cars will create a mini traffic jam due to focusing on our projection in Stonehouse. Therefore publicising our work via word of mouth instead of us trying to promote a website with a questionnaire used for data they probably don't care about. This way it happens automatically without anyone's input.
We think this is a much better approach of A. incorporating contemporary technology formats, and B. making people stop and stare, and being as that's what we are trying to achieve it makes sense.
So then....
- Taffic light at crossing turns red
RSS feed is displayed.
Sounds simple, ahhh well no. Many technologies have to be incorporated to make this work, and we must choose which ones will work best, whilst bearing in mind cost and practicality. However hopefully its going to look something like this...

( courtesy of www.pixel13.lukemears.com)